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  • #1012126

    Hi Guys!

    I originally posted a similar question here:

    I’m using the latest and greatest version of Enfold along with the WP Mail SMTP plugin, so the part about setting the From: address to one on my domain is not an issue.

    However the second code snippet I mention no longer works to set a Reply-To: header. All it does is change the display from name from the user’s submitted address to the display name associated with the address on my domain (from the WP Mail SMTP settings presumably). It does not change the actual From: address that’s used when you click Reply in your email client.

    So I need the ability to set a Reply-To: address equal to the value submitted in the appropriate field of the form. Before you say that should be a job for the plugin, let me say this. Since the plugin doesn’t necessarily know about any field names or other settings of any contact form, I believe it should be the job of the contact form (theme element or plugin) to give a WP admin or author the ability to set a Reply-To: value to a field within the form. That just makes sense to me.

    So is there any other code I can put in my functions.php file to accomplish this? Or by any chance does Kriesi have any plans to add this as an additional setting to its built in Enfold contact form element??? Or would they consider it for a near future release???



    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by scotthco.

    Hey scotthco,

    Here you can find all the code related to forms

    and how to modify them :)

    Best regards,



    You guys have been most helpful with other issues I’ve posted. However I am disappointed in this reply. What good would it really do for me to take the time to study that code, find the relevant routines, make some changes, only to have it all wiped out by the next theme release???

    I’ll just find a plugin to handle it. It’s just a shame that, of all the amazing components you guys built into Enfold, the contact form can’t be used efficiently in many cases. Users should be able to simply click Reply in their email programs. There’s no good reason they should have to copy the email address entered by the viewer and paste it into the Reply box.




    Those changes can be added to the functions.php file of a child theme and that will not erase the code :)
    You will not loose something at all, if you create a child theme and load the code form there! :)

    Best regards,


    Basilis, I’m afraid that wasn’t his point. The current enfold contact form is pretty much useless, without proper functionality.



    : You should be able to adjust the mail header using the “avf_form_mail_header” filter. A few example can be found in the following threads.


    : What are the issues with the contact form in your site? Please create a new thread with the link to the site or contact page. We would to check it.

    Best regards,

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