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  • #645008

    So on GoDaddy you have to put this snippet in to the functions.php file for the contact form to work.

    function change_cf_from() {
    return “”;
    add_filter(‘avf_form_from’, ‘change_cf_from’, 10);

    I did that but what is not working is the e mail send to the person who is filling out the form.

    I need some help with this.

    Also should I try using Gravity Forms?



    Hi Peter!

    Please try the following and let us know if it works properly

    function change_cf_from() {
    return "";
    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'change_cf_from', 10);

    and make sure, to change the email ofcourse.

    Thanks a lot for your time and understanding



    I already tried this but I am not receiving the auto-responder telling me that they have received my request.



    I already tried this but I am not receiving the auto-responder telling me that they have received my request.

    I’m sorry but the “auto-responder” message will be sent to the user who used the form.



    We know that the contact form auto reply goes to the end-user. I’m saying that they’re not receiving it



    Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.



    I too have this issue. I use GoDaddy to host my website and email accounts. As an alternative, in the past I have used Contact Form 7, but I would like to know how to use Enfold’s Contact Form.

    I added the following to my Enfold functions.php file (yes, I also changed the YOURWEBSITE to my actual website), but I just tested and am still not receiving emails:

    function change_cf_from() {
    return "";
    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'change_cf_from', 10);

    Please help! Any suggestions? Thank you.


    I was able to fix the issue by going into GoDaddy’s cPanel for web hosting, opening “MX Entry”, and changing Email Routing from “Local Mail Exchanger” to “Remote Mail Exchanger”.


    Hi @Starkos,

    Great! Glad you got it working and thanks for sharing your solution, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,

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