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  • #935857

    When someone fills out my contact form it should arrive in the inbox From: (Email address hidden if logged out) instead it is seen as coming from my gmail account (Email address hidden if logged out) . I am using Gsuite to handle my email. Is this causing an issue?


    Hey jhirsh85308,

    Yes, this very much be the reason.

    Best regards,


    So is there any way to fix it?



    What happens if you don’t use Gsuite? Does it work as intended?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I cancelled Gsuite and the problem still exists. I have tried using other contact forms with the same result. I have added WPSMTP plugins and the result is still the same. Any help would be appreciated.



    Thanks for the feedback. So using for instance Contact Form 7 gives you the same problem? If that is the case then I think the problem lies on your mail server, could you try contacting your hosting provider to see if they can see what the problem is?

    Best regards,

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