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  • #28949


    I am wondering if I can set the contact form directly in to the footer widget? Is there a possibility in order to have the same layout design as usuall contact form for the theme?

    Thank you



    Hi Btina,

    Yes you can, you need to put the shortcode in a Text/HTML Widget, maybe edit some things and that would be it:

    [av_contact email=' (Email address hidden if logged out) ' button='Submit' title='Send us mail' sent='Your message has been sent!' subject='' autorespond='' captcha='']
    [av_contact_field label='Name' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='']
    [av_contact_field label='E-Mail' type='text' options='' check='is_email' width='']
    [av_contact_field label='Subject' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='']
    [av_contact_field label='Message' type='textarea' options='' check='is_empty' width='']




    Hi Josue


    But is it possible to show the contact form in half of the length? It’s acctually to big for my footer – do you think I can set the size of the whole thing?

    thank you



    Hi Btina,

    Please try adding following code to custom.css file or to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options page under Styling

    p#element_avia_name_1, p#element_avia_e-mail_1, p#element_avia_titel_1, p#element_avia_nachricht_1 { margin: 0; }




    Ok that woked :). But it’s still to long. I’d like to have it in a high of around 200px

    Can I set that some how there?

    Thank you Speedy Yigit :)



    Now that you moved the contact form to second column, id has change. Please try

    p#element_avia_name_2, p#element_avia_e-mail_2, p#element_avia_titel_2, p#element_avia_nachricht_2 { margin: 0; }

    input#avia_name_2, input#avia_e-mail_2, input#avia_titel_2 { padding: 10px; }



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