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  • #604748

    In contact form, I can not change the email address to something else. I save and it just returns to the default address. Also other changes to the form (like add response and capcha) are not sticking as well.

    Your email address
    Enter one or more Email addresses (separated by comma) where mails should be delivered to. (Default: (Email address hidden if logged out) )


    Hey jaybenkovich!

    can u please share with us your backend access, so we can give it a look to the issue?
    Thanks a lot



    Here it is



    Could you try to delete and recreate the element to see if that helps please?



    Made a new form under the original. The field names go inside the box like I checked off, but it is not checked off in the backend when you go and look again. Also the 2 email addresses still don’t show up
    I’m thinking maybe it has something to do with CloudFlare. (Although I have it in development mode)



    We created a new test page added a contact form with multiple ID’s and it worked fine… i haven’t received the email yet in my inbox may be it will take a while. but both the email address stay there


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vinay.

    Thanks for your help

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