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  • #23855

    Hi there,

    I’m trying to do something that the Enfold form builder probably can’t do. I need a solution that allows me to create a form as part of a “regular” text block… something like

    Hi, my name is [______] and I work for [_____]. My email address is [_____] and I’d love to get some info about your new [___dropdown menu with products___].

    So that makes this not an Enfold questions as such, but maybe someone can help. Does a form builder like that exist, maybe as a plugin? My previous searches weren’t successful.

    Thanks & best regards,




    You can probably achieve this using Contact Form 7. Then edit the styling via CSS.




    Thanks, Ismael! I’ll give that a try.

    I’ve also found out that Gravity Forms is able to do these kinds of “Madlibs” form as they seem to be called:

    Maybe this is of help to anyone looking for the same thing.



    Hey Andy,

    Gravity Forms would definitely be the best option for that kind of flexibility.




    For what it’s worth, I now found a tutorial to do a mad lib form using “Contact Form 7”, just like Ismael suggested. It’s even easier than Gravity Forms. Ok, there’s about a trillion more features in Gravity Forms, but then again, it’s not free.

    If anyone cares:

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