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  • #454453

    Hi, I’ve use the regular/included form as our main contact form. Until “now” the address of the expeditor was that of the person who had filled the form, but lately my client has complained that she sees her own, which complicates things for “reply”..

    ..and in all honesty I don’t even know what the smtp parameters are.. “what” actually sends these forms ?! On all my sites I used Gravity Forms (ugly as sin out of the box..) and I need to enter all these parameters, not so with your system.. how dos that work ?




    Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account so we can do some tests?




    we are also seeing this on ours and customers sites. This is new behaviour.

    When the user fills out the Contact form, the FROM address is the one set in: Settings General > Email Address and not as entered by the user in the Email field.

    I’ve created a new user for you and provided the details



    Hi @DigitalEssence!

    Can you please create a new topic including access to your site?


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