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  • #609908

    I’ve finally bought the theme !
    I add contactform 7 and cf7 customiser but the style of my contact form doesn’t saved.
    It seams enfold contact style overwrite it ?
    To add contactform I created a text field on a page and paste the shortcode from cf7 into.
    Maybe I’m wrong ?

    Thanks for light me,


    Hi Alfred,

    We need to be logged in to be able to view that page, please post admin login details in private.

    Best regards,






    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vinay. Reason: Login info moved to private content


    The login credentials do not work please check .

    Enfold has a builtin contact form builder have you tried it?

    If you still need to use CF7 and style it to look similar to enfold try this

    You can tweak the css in the above thread to make your form look different.



    Hello !

    Ok, I see that I didn’t need cf7 customiser (I delete it right now), I’ve found this code into you faq :

    <div class="avia_ajax_form">
    <p class="first_form form_element form_fullwidth">Votre Nom<br />
        [text* your-name class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="first_form form_element form_element_half">Your Email<br />
        [email* your-email class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="form_element form_element_half">Your Phone<br />
        [tel* your-tel class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="first_form form_element form_element_half">Your Selection<br />
        [select* your-menu class:select include_blank "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"] </p>
    <p class="form_element form_element_half">Your Date<br />
        [date* your-date class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="first_form form_element form_fullwidth">Subject<br />
        [text* your-subject class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="first_form form_element form_fullwidth">Your Message<br />
        [textarea* your-message class:text_area] </p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>

    Thanks for the link !
    Can I add “border-color” property into the form code ? Can I add all the existing css property for contact form, as target in the message box for writting directly (sorry if not clear, I don’t have the code syntax here).
    Can you have a look on the form anyway ? Because when I resize my window the contact form is out of the window and there’s no margin-right.
    Do I have to specify margin somewhere ? Or it’s manage by the bloc property ?
    I’m a bit lost on it with your theme. I don’t know if I can use normal css3 class in custome css…

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vinay. Reason: Login credentials moved to private content


    please share your login credentials only in private so that not everyone get access to it.

    I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve if possible please share a mockup design of what you are trying to do.

    we created a example contact page please see private content for the link.



    Hi !
    Allright, I’m doing too quick, sorry.
    The following link is the contact page as I’d like to set it.
    contact page
    I use Contact form 7 and wanted to add css to the change border color for the attribute “text_area” and “text_input”.
    I found this code on the faq to set the width property of the field name, e-mail. As result, wanted 2 field on the same row.
    Exemple of the code :

    <div class="avia_ajax_form">
    <p class="first_form form_element form_element_half">Votre Nom<br />
        [email* your-email class:text_input] </p>
    <p class="form_element form_element_half">Votre prénom<br />
        [tel* your-tel class:text_input] </p>

    I’d like to set text_input and area border-color.
    But I think that I understand I can set the same form with the style I want without contactform7 ?
    Directly using css in css quick css or child theme ?

    Also, when I sized the widows, the form doesn’t reponsive. It cut and don’t go down the page.
    Is there a particularity I didn’t get ?

    Finaly, for the all site, I’d like to set the separting lines of the layout.
    At the right of the menu I’d like to have a line through end of pages.
    Between center and left menu area :

    As well, I cannot find the way to set no-border between elements of the menu separetly from border-bottom and border-top menu :

    I realise that I’m asking a lot …maybe.

    Best regards,


    I’ve update the log.


    I’ve solved most of the problem I had.
    Just one left, how do I set no line between the elements of the menu ?
    Can you help for this ?

    lignes du menu




    Please do add the following to your CSS area

    .html_header_sidebar #header .av-main-nav > li > a {
    display: none !important;

    and do let us know if that solves your issue

    Best regards,

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