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  • #915122

    Is it possible for a form to work most of the time and on occasion not completely work?
    The issue being experienced is half of the form will not be included in the email.
    My first thought is that the form will either work or it won’t, no partial working. I just wanted to make sure this is a correct assumption.
    I am assuming this is possible an issue with the email client and not the website, does this sound right?
    Thank you for any help.


    Hey Micheal0424,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Is it possible for a form to work most of the time and on occasion not completely work?

    Have you asked your hosting provider about it? How are you testing the contact form? Please create another page with the contact form and use the default form fields. Let us know if you can still experience the issue on that form.

    Best regards,


    Okay, I will continue to test different things to see if I can reproduce the issue. It doesn’t do it all of the time so it is a little more challenging finding the problem. Will post what I find out if I can figure it out.




    Thanks for the feedback, we’ll keep the thread open in case you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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