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  • #1357382

    my pages were checked by “Geprüfter Webshop” and they say, the consent tool is not legally ok. Are there any settings that I missed to get this right? Are you working on this? What can I do differently?

    Below is the German text of their email and after that my English translation…

    Thanks for your help!

    Ihr Consent Tool entspricht nicht den rechtlichen Anforderungen. Ein Consent Tool/Cookie-Banner muss über alle einwilligungsbedürftigen Vorgänge im Sinn der DSGVO aufklären und über die Möglichkeit des Widerrufs, die auch technisch umgesetzt sein muss, informieren.

    Durch die Funktionen des Consent Tools muss sichergestellt werden, dass alle einwilligungsbedürftigen Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge erst nach positiver Bestätigung der einzelnen Cookies im Tool aktiviert werden.

    Sämtliche Cookies, die für den Betrieb des Shops nicht technisch notwendig sind müssen vorausgeschaltet sein. Die Cookies müssen einzeln auswählbar sein.

    Informiert werden muss über Namen und Herausgeber des Cookies, eine Beschreibung mit der Information, welche Datenerhoben werden, Zwecke der Datenerhebung samt Rechtsgrundlage, Ort der Verarbeitung und Lebensdauer des Cookies.

    Das Consent Tool/Cookie-Banner darf erst ausgeblendet werden, nachdem der Besucher eine der vom Consent Tool angebotenen Auswahl getroffen hat.

    Wichtige Informationen und Funktionen wie z.B. die Links zu den Rechtstexte dürfen nicht vom Banner verdeckt werden.

    in English (translated with Deepl):

    Your consent tool does not meet the legal requirements. A consent tool/cookie banner must inform about all processes requiring consent in the sense of the GDPR and about the possibility of revocation, which must also be technically implemented.

    The functions of the Consent Tool must ensure that all data processing operations requiring consent are only activated after positive confirmation of the individual cookies in the tool.

    All cookies that are not technically necessary for the operation of the shop must be switched on first. The cookies must be individually selectable.

    Information must be provided on the name and publisher of the cookie, a description with information on which data is collected, the purpose of the data collection including the legal basis, the place of processing and the lifetime of the cookie.

    The Consent Tool/Cookie Banner may only be hidden after the visitor has made one of the choices offered by the Consent Tool.

    Important information and functions such as the links to the legal texts must not be covered by the banner.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Ralph.

    Hey Ralph,
    Thanks for the link to your site, but it doesn’t look like you have enabled the cookie consent message bar or modal window, so the first step to becoming compliant is to do this, once you enable it you can make the adjustments above in the options, please review our documentation.
    Also see our blog post: ENFOLD and the GDPR

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    since I couldn’t find the right settings I changed it to my other option, using complianz.io

    Do you have a site where your tool is set up completely? Both documentation site wouldn’t fit the needs. And thanks again for providing these information.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    You can find a demo of the privacy & cookies option in the following page.

    // https://enfold.inoplugs.com/privacy-test-page

    Cookies required by external services such as Youtube, Google Maps etc are blocked by default. In the test page above, you will not be able to play the video directly in the site without enabling the Other external services > Vimeo and Youtube video embeds option within the privacy popup window (click the Settings button in the consent message bar).

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    thanks for the link. I don’t see a chance to change/manage my privacy settings on the page. There is no consent bar or popup for me. All I see is that the youtube video is not loaded right away. This is not be sufficient.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for following up.

    We might have accidentally changed the settings in the test page. Sorry about that.

    Please try to clear the browser cache and the local storage, then test the page again. There should be a consent message bar with three buttons at the bottom part of the page, clicking the Settings button should open a modal popup containing toggles for different cookies or external services including embedded videos.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael! I decided to go with compianz.io again. I can’t see how I can change the settings afterwards or how I can accept individual cookies.

    All the best,



    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard – yes, this can be closed. IMHO, your solution does not fit entirely yet, what our advisors asked for. Best wishes. Ralph



    Thanks for the update, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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