see here Link
i used it a lot on different installation – maybe it is because i used it the first time with magazine and ! with “the first entry will stand out with big image”
On that installation there is an extra div with :
<div class="av-magazine-content entry-content" itemprop="text">" template="default" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC"…</div>
<header class="entry-content-header"> … …</header>
closes ( and it is visible) well i can set it to display none – but i think it is best if it isn’t there at all.
Or has there something changed to Version 4.7 with that snippet?
Edit: it seems that some settings become part of $excerpt line 587 of magazine.php (shortcodes)
And if there is something in the manualy set Excerpt (of that portfolio ) there is only that entry without this “extra-lines”
hm – it seems that it is not from the enfold magazine sort options ( it is from gallery plugin sortoption)
so – first : no matter for you i guess. it is a part of ngg gallery
the gallery is in a portfolio – and that gallery itself has sort options which on some reasons go to $excerpt of Portfolio – i have to look in that ngg code ( there seems to miss some closing tags)
so can be closed- because it seems to be a problem with ngg !