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  • #1103641

    it’s about a graphic concept: leafing through a kind of page.
    There are several variants of my product.
    How could you bring the different variations forward with a hover and make them disappear again so that you can see them all? And then also selects a desired product by clicking and linking.
    At Apple, there’s such a thing in picture galleries. Or in the lower program bar.
    Don´t know the right term for that.

    Cheers, Tom


    Hey Tom,

    Can you give us more context on what you’re trying to achieve? maybe a link or a screenshot? so we can atleast tell if this is doable or can be done with some css.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    sorry for my late answer – was in holidays.
    In the “private content” is a link to the product overview page how it is at the moment.
    I´m thinking about a graphical concept to show the 14 variations in a smart and simple way. Something like a procuct scrolling…?!

    Perhaps like the macOS DOCK which you perhaps know:
    You can see all programs as a small icon in a row. On Hover, the program icons grow and shrink while moving mouse away from them. Or you click it to start/open.

    Or an other (better?) idea…

    Cheers, Tom

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by JS.

    Hi Tom,

    No worries, I have check for possible solutions for this in Enfold and I think the only things I can find you can use are layerslider and the other one might be what you want visually: (check Bigger Gallery with Preview) but this isn’t integrated with woocommerce and could not link the product).

    Best regards,


    Hi Niko,
    thanks for your suggestion and research and link.
    I´ll use a “conservative” product overview – like the most shops have.
    So you can close this thread if you like.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by JS.


    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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