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  • #1011369


    I’ve been using Enfold for pretty much all my projects, without a major hitch so far. The last one includes a file management functionnality, and for that, I’ve been using Download Manager (the pro version).
    Everything works fine but for one thing : the frontend uploading doesn’t work – it seems there’s a conflict with some javascript. The page loads allright, but the on click events (opening a finder/explorer window to go get a file / an image, and updating the thing) doesn’t work. And it is the theme : everything works fine when I switch to Twenty Seveteen.

    Could you please take a look and see if there is a solution to this ? You’ll find the necessary info to get access to the site in private.

    Cheers !


    Oups, I forgot to add the link to the troublesome page (see private).

    Thanks !


    Slight update as per to what doen’t work exactly (see private).

    And sorry for the multi-posting…


    I fixed it. Download Manager requires the Media script which is deactivated by default since Enfold 4.4.x (to increase the loading performance). I now added this code to your child theme functions.php:

    add_filter( 'avf_enqueue_wp_mediaelement', 'avia_always_load_mediaelement', 10, 2);
    function avia_always_load_mediaelement($condition, $options)
    	$condition = true;
    	return $condition;

    to load the Media script by default on your website (also see: ).

    I also had to modify the functions.php file of the parent theme – this customization won’t be necessary with the next theme update (see: ).



    Hello again,

    Fantastic ! Thanks for your speedy resolution to that problem ! Just to be sure then : after the next update, I’ll keep that added filter to the child theme, but I won’t need to remodify the parent theme function file ?

    Cheers !



    No the child theme will remain safe. This is why a child theme is used, so all modifications remain safe when updates are made.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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