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  • #724065

    Pals, what’s the CSS to control the photo size – for a compact testimonial slider?
    Thanks as ever :)


    Hey evtilsley,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Hi – bottom of the homepage – thanks .
    Like it to be more like 150pixels, and (if possible centred)



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .avia-slider-testimonials .avia-testimonial-meta .avia-testimonial-image {
        width: 150px !important;
        height: 150px !important;

    Best regards,


    GREAT! Can the photo be centred also?
    Great support as ever :)



    Please try the following as well:

    .avia-testimonial-meta {
      text-align: center;
    .avia-testimonial-image {
      float:initial !important;

    Best regards,


    Hmm didnt affect the homepage compact slider position.. and something has messed up now on the main testimonials page!

    photos used to by larger – dont get it! Removed the above code but they’re still smaller than last week.


    ** IGNORE – pasted new CSS in ALL OK now **

    This css seems not work being working any more – since trying the above css:

    /* testimonial image size */
    .avia-slider-testimonials .avia-testimonial-meta .avia-testimonial-image {
    width: 150px !important;
    height: 150px !important;


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by evtilsley.

    IGNORE ALL.. close thread.. probably my meddling all fixed now thanks


    (apart from it’s still not centred!!)



    Thanks for the feedback, are you ok or do you still need help?

    Best regards,


    I couldnt see how to centre the photo under compact testimonial slider so yes please help



    not sure what exactly you want to achieve (a mockup showing the results you need would help a lot). However, if you want to move your image down a bit then use this code:

    .avia-testimonial-image {
    margin-top: 10%;

    and adjust as needed.

    Best regards,


    Hi I’ve started a new topic specifically for centring the photo under the compact slides – so pls close this one down to keep things neat! Thanks



    alright, thank you!

    Best regards,

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