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  • #242108

    When I switched to the Enfold theme, all of a sudden my comment forms stopped displaying. Is there a way to turn them on and off with Enfold? They’re certainly allowed within my discussion settings. Are there any special controls for comments with Enfold?


    Hi lionstail!

    Are you trying to add them on pages? You can add the comments form element using the Advance Layout Builder.



    Hi, I am having an issue where once the Comment Form is added, no one can type a comment. Please see an example: http://arkofprosperity.com/?page_id=2944

    Please help!




    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under styling tab

    #top textarea { line-height: 10px; }




    I went to Enfold > Styling > General > Quick CSS and add #top textarea { line-height: 10px; }

    But no one can make a comment in the Comment Forms. Please help! I am a novice WP user so please let me know if you wanted me to do something differently.

    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by kenanjohnson.


    Please try adding !important rule as following

    #top textarea {
    line-height: 10px!important;

    and flush browser cache after applying the code



    Hi Yigit!

    I did just that but it still won’t allow comments. I had this same problem with the Contact Form but the contact form allowed me to edit the form directly in the Post by changing it from Text Area to Text Input. Is there a code that I can put in the Quick CSS box for changing the comment form to Text Input as well since that seemed to be the problem before?

    Please help! Many thanks!



    Please create a temporary admin login and post it here privately so i can take a look

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times. You can find custom CSS code i added in Quick CSS section.



    THANK YOU, YIGIT! It now works perfectly. You are the best!



    You are welcome, glad we could help! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues. You can click on Enfold on support page and scroll down to bottom of the page to start your own topic if needed.


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