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  • #186712

    Hi I saw it when i got page error 404.
    There is tab, and there is comments tab.
    How do I put my comments in to the tab instead of in bottom of page?



    Hey dewasurya!

    Are you referring to this?

    Please elaborate.



    Hi Josue,

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, that is what I mean. So can I put comments into a tab?




    You want to put the comment form in a tab?



    yes! comment form and it list. please let me know how to do it.




    That is not possible or it will require a bit of a customization. You can use this plugin to insert php codes on the post editor. http://wordpress.org/plugins/insert-php/

    You can then use the tab shortcode to insert the comment template code:

    [av_tab_container position='top_tab' boxed='border_tabs' initial='1' custom_class='']
    [av_tab title='Tab 1' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello']
    [insert_php] //wordpress function that loads the comments template "comments.php"
    comments_template( '/includes/comments.php');[/insert_php]
    [av_tab title='Tab 2' icon_select='no' icon='']
    Tab Content goes here

    It will require a lot of customization. Please hire a freelance developer.

    Best regards,


    Hi here is my link
    it doesn’t work. I installed insert php plugin, but nothing works. looks like the plugin doesn’t call function.
    I know a little bit of php and css code. I believe that if there is someone could explain to me, I could do the modification, and I will share it here, because I’m sure that there is a lot of people there need this feature too.

    any help would be very appreciated.



    Hey Surya!

    You can also try inserting the Disqus system inside the tab shortcode (HTML snippet):



    Hi Josue,

    Just following up on the conversation. I just like to know if you will add this feature (comment in the tab) for your future updates?
    If no, then i really have to look into another themes that could support this feature. I know a free themes out there that could do this with only simple customization. But if the future update would have this feature, I will be happy to wait, bought again for my other clients and most likely recommend to my friends.

    For your suggestion disqus system, will not accommodate what we need. Because we like all the comments to be detected in the wordpress system and we could call to show the most recent comments.

    Thank you for your support




    It may be, feel free to request it here.

    Just to add something, Disqus actually can sync the comments made on the system to the WordPress system.

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    Just like to say BIG THANKS!! for your team to make my wish come true today with your new update, by adding comments template builder. Now your themes is very close to perfect!! I would not hesitate to recommend to my friends!

    Thank you..


    You are welcome, glad we could help :)


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