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  • #391129

    can you tell me how to remove these lines in the comments?
    And how to change the title?
    of ” answer ” I want to move a comment
    thank you for your help.
    excuse me for my english.

    Vous pouvez utiliser ces balises et attributs HTML :
    <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b>

    <cite> <i> <q cite=""> <strike>

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by phil78.

    Hey phil78!

    Thank you for coming back.

    Add this to custom.css or Enfold->Styles->QuickCSS:

    .form-allowed-tags {
        display: none !important;

    Can you pls. explain closer:

    what title you want to change?
    of ” answer ” I want to move a comment

    Best regards,


    I would like to modify the header.
    thus ” answer ” I would ” leave a comment”
    thank you

    Hebergeur d'image

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by phil78.


    Please try using this plugin to change the translated strings –



    And also
    Is it possible to have a lightbox on easy slider ?
    how should I do? a plugin or change in slideshow.php
    thank you



    Thank you for coming back.

    There is no hook to modify the text without changing the core file.

    1) You can modify the translation in the translation file (see text below)



    Modify enfold\comments.php lines 162ff:

    		 echo "<h3 class='miniheading'>".__('Leave a Reply','avia_framework')."</h3>";
    		 echo "<span class='minitext'>".__('Want to join the discussion? <br/>Feel free to contribute!','avia_framework')."</span>";

    replace with:

    		 echo "<h3 class='miniheading'>".__('   your headline  ','avia_framework')."</h3>";
    		 echo "<span class='minitext'>".__('  your info text    ','avia_framework')."</span>";



    thank you , but nothing succeeded the 2 solutions!
    and lightbox , is it possible?



    Can you please provide a link to the actual post with the comment form? You can enable the sidebar on the easy slider by editing the image. Set the Apply a link or buttons to the slide? to Apply link to image. Set the Image Link? to Open in lightbox.

    Best regards,

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