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  • #1058314


    I have put two pages into one by hiding various elements for various devices. The first one has had the images and text moved around the second has not. However, when I view the page on a device width 1024px there is a large space in the bottom. Likewise, when I view the page on 800px and 960px width there is a large space at the top.

    I would like if possible to get rid of the spaces, please.




    Hey info224,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    I noticed the issue you mentioned on your site. Have you added any custom CSS to position the elements?

    For testing purpose please remove the custom code and clear the cache.

    We await the results of your plugin compatibility test.

    Thanks for your cooperation :)

    Best regards,



    All the elements on the first section have css ID and I have moved them by adding code in the quick css. I wanted the photos to overlap and then I fitted the text around it. This works fine for devices 1024 or greater. For devices smaller I created the second section which has no customization. The only issue is the spacing as mentioned which I would like to remove.




    I have amended the test page you set up and removed the CSS ID so the coding will not apply. The space at the bottom and top remains and the text at the very bottom is overlapping other text.




    I have solved the overlapping issue but the space remains



    I have split the pages and hidden one on the mobile and the other on the desktop. You might want to update your support docs as the mobile is showing no-mob rather than no-mobile :)


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by info224.


    Thank you again for pointing this out. I could not find “no-mob” as mentioned above but if it is the same as the previous ticket the documentation has been updated :)

    Best regards,

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