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  • #722262


    I have a page with 1/5 column (empty) – 3/5 column (content) – 1/5 column (empty).

    I need the center 3/5 column larger in width. I guess the best way would be to reduce the size of the 1/5 empty columns on the side. Or is there a better solution?

    Adding padding on a 1/1 column is no option due to mobiles/tablets.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by luckylobo10.

    I have added 10% padding left/right, so I guess we can add som CSS that removes the padding on tablets and mobile. F.ex:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .flex_column av_one_full .flex_column_div first .avia-builder-el-1 {
    padding: none;

    But I can not get it to work. Can you please help me correct it? Thanks.



    It would affect all 1/5 and 3/5. I would suggest enabling custom css classes first, you can check it in this post:

    By using custom css classes you can target specific classes. And you can use something like this:

    #top .custom_one_fifth {
        width: 10%;
    #top .custom_three_fifth {
        width: 68%;

    The code above uses this custom class names custom_one_fifth and custom_three_fifth, you can use same class name and probably change the width. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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