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  • #263858


    I was using non transparent background for Social Icons in Header (removing pseudo class :hover) but after update to 2.7.1 does not work any more.

    How can I override “background: transparent;” not to be transparent?


    #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks a, #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks li {
    background: transparent;

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by tomitos.

    get background color from parent:

    background-color: inherit;

    Or set the background color you want

    background-color: #ffffff;

    Hi Flikk,

    I would like to overwrite property “background: transparent;” which comes with parent theme. I know I could do for every single icon, but I would like to override this “transparent” property.
    And not being so close to css ;)


    transparent is the standard value for background.
    you can set the background with:

    .social_bookmarks>li {
        background-color: #ffffff;

    I do have set background for every icon, but now is overwriten by “transparent”.

    In previous versions was just needed to remove the hofer effect:

    And sure, if there is no way to remove this transparent property, I’ll add backgorund also to custom.css



    I just add to my custom.css (changed social_bookmarks li{background: transparent;} to none;}
    #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks, #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks a, #top #wrap_all .social_bookmarks li{background: none;}

    And removed :hofer efect


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by tomitos.
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