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  • #816679

    hi im using a color selection and then i drag a 2/3/ and 1/3 boxes into it and drop imagery but the images don’t run the full visible width of the screen / page

    see when you scroll down the estate agent screen shot images i want flush to the page borders

    any idea if this possible or what i am doing wrong?



    When using layout element like 1/3 for instance, they will all keep within the container width which you set in the backend. You can alter that with CSS like this though:

    .page-id-2241 #av_section_2 .container {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        padding:0 !important;

    This will apply to the second section on the page you posted.

    Best regards,



    If you are looking to have full width elements and rows as well then I would suggest that you use the Grid Row element instead.

    Best regards,

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