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  • #1287217


    just in the process of creating a fullwidth background video using a Color Section, “At least 75% of Browser Window Height”.
    Should I be creating the video to some pre-determined height to width ratio?
    If I want to have a lightweight MP4 file can I, for instance, create the width of the video as 1200px and the height ???px, then stretching the video to work in full-width when the browser width is greater than 1200px?

    Thank you for any help.


    Hey Webmaster,

    Sorry for the late reply. If you are concerned about the weight of your video, then I would suggest that you host the video with Youtube or Vimeo, since their compression for web is really good. If you do that, then you should be able to freely chose the size of your video, before uploading it.

    Best regards,


    No problem :)

    Good idea, thank you.

    Please close.



    If you need additional help please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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