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  • #275005

    The page does not seem to recognize when the layout editor is activated. This way the theme does not properly use the correct template file to display the page and therefore any fullwidth elements are rendered incorrectly.

    To be honest I have never experienced something like this before and I am not sure why this could happen. My best guess are either a plugin conflict or a server setting that differs vastly from what everyone else is using, otherwise we probably would have had similar reports already…

    I asume of course you didnt change the template builder core files? :)



    Hi Sorry for the delay in responding. I can’t seem to reproduce this now, strange. Will come back to you if I can.
    I think I was getting confused with trying to put different content in the color section, but the colour itself works now.
    If I put Content in a Colour Section that includes a Sidebar, the Sidebar is displayed outside and under the Colour Section – is this a bug or design? Should I raise another Topic regarding this?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Cliffy.

    Hey @Heathcliffe,

    That is the correct behavior. Right now color sections are always going to be full width and sidebars will be pushed under then in a layout.


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Kriesi,

    Thanks very much for looking into this. The core files are all still the same. The only change I’ve made that may be to any of them is to allow custom CSS classes to be added to any element (I used the method Dude described here). I was seeing this color section issue both before and after that change. It also still occurs if I delete my child theme’s style.css file using Firebug.

    I just created a new FTP account for you and put its login information in a private reply.

    I’ve built some pages in Chrome and other pages in Firefox. I’ve seen the issue occur in both.

    My enabled Chrome extensions: ADB for debugging, Adobe Edge Inspect CC, Awesome Screenshot, Axure RP (2 versions), Dashlane, MaskMe, NoCoffee Vision Simulator, RescueTime, TweetDeck, and UserZoom Survey Tool.

    Enabled Firefox add-ons: Abduction, Click&Clean, Dashlane, Firebug, FireShot, Skype Click to Call, and Web Developer.

    Is there any other configuration information I could send you to help you look into this?

    I could probably also take a Jing screencast showing how I set up a page. In short, most of my site’s pages are made up of several color sections which each contain columns inside them (similar to Drivott‘s layout).


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the info.

    You don’t need to add the css modification for the color section, at least not until we find the actual issue. Is this still happening on many pages that you created? I mean the color section is still not fullwidth when you create a new page? If you have the time, please access the site’s database on phpMyadmin panel then look for the wp_postmeta table. Click Search then look for the post_id column, set the operator to = and the value to 559, click Go. 559 is the post id of the Color Section Test – all icon boxes are in color sections page. Please give us a screenshot of the result and the data inside the _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData and _avia_builder_shortcode_tree meta_keys.



    Hi Ismael,

    You don’t need to add the css modification for the color section, at least not until we find the actual issue. Is this still happening on many pages that you created? I mean the color section is still not fullwidth when you create a new page?

    Yes, it still happens whenever I remove my CSS modification. Newest page here:

    If you have the time, please access the site’s database on phpMyadmin panel then look for the wp_postmeta table. Click Search then look for the post_id column, set the operator to = and the value to 559, click Go. 559 is the post id of the Color Section Test – all icon boxes are in color sections page. Please give us a screenshot of the result and the data inside the _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData and _avia_builder_shortcode_tree meta_keys.

    My site is on DreamHost, so the process was somewhat different. Here’s the screenshot: It doesn’t show the full values of those two keys, so I’ll add a private reply with that.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    I plan to take my site live within the next several days. Just in case this thread gets closed, here is my “hack” fix to my child theme’s style.css as a guide to anyone else who has this problem.

    This fix works as I intended for the layout elements that my site uses. My site doesn’t use every layout element. If you see any strange behavior with different elements’ widths, you may need to add special cases for its container or other properties of it as I have done for the blog and portfolio item grids below. In any case, I hope this is a good start for anyone else who encounters problems with the color sections’ widths.

    .responsive .container {
        width: 100%;
    .responsive .container .twelve.units {
        width: 100%;
    /* other grid.css container widths needs to remain enforced */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
        .responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive #header_main .container,  
        .responsive .title_container .container, 
        .responsive #footer .container, 
        .responsive #socket .container, 
        .responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive .error404 .container,
    	.responsive #footer .widget p
            width: 96%;
        .responsive .av_slideshow_full .container, 
        .responsive .single-portfolio .container
    		width: 100%;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
        .responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive #header_main .container,  
        .responsive .title_container .container, 
        .responsive #footer .container, 
        .responsive #socket .container, 
        .responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive .error404 .container
    		/* Don't set this on sliders because that will put the captions in the wrong place, possibly offscreen */
            margin: 0 auto;		
    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
    	.responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
    	.responsive #header_main .container,  
    	.responsive .title_container .container, 
    	.responsive #footer .container, 
    	.responsive #socket .container, 
    	.responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
    	.responsive .av_slideshow_full .container, 
    	.responsive .single-portfolio .container,
    	.responsive .error404 .container
    		width: 428px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px) {
        .responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive #header_main .container,  
        .responsive .title_container .container, 
        .responsive #footer .container, 
        .responsive #socket .container, 
        .responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive .av_slideshow_full .container, 
        .responsive .single-portfolio .container,
        .responsive .error404 .container
            width: 682px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) and (max-width: 1139px) {
        .responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive #header_main .container,  
        .responsive .title_container .container, 
        .responsive #footer .container, 
        .responsive #socket .container, 
        .responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive .av_slideshow_full .container, 
        .responsive .single-portfolio .container,
        .responsive .error404 .container
            width: 910px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
        .responsive .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive #header_main .container,  
        .responsive .title_container .container, 
        .responsive #footer .container, 
        .responsive #socket .container, 
        .responsive #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive .av_slideshow_full .container, 
        .responsive .single-portfolio .container,
        .responsive .error404 .container
            width: 1030px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1340px) {
        .responsive_large .container .twelve.units .container, 
        .responsive_large #header_main .container,  
        .responsive_large .title_container .container, 
        .responsive_large #footer .container, 
        .responsive_large #socket .container, 
        .responsive_large #blog-masonry, .responsive_large .container.template-blog, 
        .responsive_large .av_slideshow_full .container, 
        .responsive_large .single-portfolio .container,
        .responsive_large .error404 .container
            width: 1210px;
    /* Portfolio grid entries need to be set back to the right position  */
    /* Entries 1, 4, 7, etc., in the portfolio grid */
    .grid-sort-container.grid-col-3 .grid-entry:nth-of-type(3n+1) {
        left: 0;
    /* Entries 2, 5, 8, etc., in the portfolio grid */
    .grid-sort-container.grid-col-3 .grid-entry:nth-of-type(3n+2) {
        left: 33.3333%;
    /* Entries 3, 6, 9, etc., in the portfolio grid */
    .grid-sort-container.grid-col-3 .grid-entry:nth-of-type(3n+3) {
        left: 66.6667%;
    /* Keep first row of portfolio items from flowing onto a second row */
    #homepage-portfolio .grid-sort-container {
        height: inherit;
    #blog-masonry {
       margin: 0 auto;


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