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  • #1401057

    I made a color section and even found out how to set the content in the color section to full width. But what I want to do is, that there are two 1/2 columns in the color section, the left column shoul be full width – from the screen middle to the left screen edge, no matter what screen size.
    But the right column should stay within the container width of 1310px, which I set in the global theme options.
    Thank you for your help and reply!


    Hey Andreas,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried using the Grid Row element instead? You can also adjust the style of the second column in the color section and a padding around it. If you can provide the link to the page, we will check the setup and provide the necessary modifications.

    Best regards,


    you can see here a test-page made for another participant. This is as ismael recommends a grid row – with special cell behavior inside.:
    The trick is the padding-left ( in this case for that participant ) calculation my content on that page is max-width: 1510px ( 50% of it: 755px )

    EDIT: i’m now trying to do the same thing for the right content. …
    AND: if you switch the responsive case at 989 – then you had to adjust the media querries in that css code.

    That you can better see – the alignment line – i set the text-align in the right cell to right.


    BTW: the fluid font-size calculator here on the page: is a mighty tool

    And for better browser support – i use the min max option.



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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