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  • #651641

    I have a color section with a vimeo video background. However on mobiles and ipads the video does not play, it just shows the image. There doesn’t seem to be any play option.

    Also, the sound seems to play automatically, how can I make sure this is muted? Please help.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by mosaic.

    Hi kieranvyas!

    Due to compatibility issues, we have disabled video backgrounds on mobile. That is intended. However, you can refer to this post – and show/hide certain elements on mobile. You can use it to display a video element in your case.

    Video is muted on my end. Have you figured it out already?



    Thanks. Sometimes it plays and other times it doesn’t. I want it to NEVER play



    I refreshed your page multiple times but it was muted every time. Which browser and OS are you using?



    Windows 10, Chrome.



    I asked my teammates to check your website on Win10 on Chrome. Please kindly wait to hear from them.



    Could you explain in more detail how this is supposed to work?
    “You can refer to this post – and show/hide certain elements on mobile. You can use it to display a video element in your case.”

    What I don’t understand is that the color section is set for a video background, so where is one supposed to insert a video element? The only option I see in the color section is in Section Background to hide the video on mobile devices and insert a static background image that will be visible on mobile instead. Where does the video element come in?



    In the page, insert the video element below or above the color section with the video background. You can then toggle the elements’ display property with css media queries as described in the link above.

    Best regards,

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