I noticed that if you choose the setting Fixed or Parallels – Color section – Problem Custom wallpaper – this is never displayed 1 to 1 on a mobile device or tablet.
This setting only works on a desktop.
Is there a solution for this because my customer would like to see this effect on other devices as well.
Best Regards
Thank you for the inquiry.
This setting only works on a desktop.
Yes, that is true. The Parallax effect is intentionally disabled on mobile devices and iOS devices have issues displaying Fixed background when the Background Repeat is set to Stretch to Fit. You may need to set the Background Repeat settings to Scale to Fit to make the fixed effect work on iOS devices.
// https://caniuse.com/background-attachment
Chrome has an issue that occurs when using the will-change property on a selector which also has background-attachment: fixed defined. It causes the image to get cut off and gain whitespace around it.
iOS has an issue preventing background-attachment: fixed from being used with background-size: cover – see details
Best regards,