I have a color section partway down my page ( because I needed to make the background one color and the words another)
But I find this overlaps the sidebar as well and does not contain itself to the main body like all the other elements And it pushes the sidebar content down under this bar
Anyway around this please
see here
Hey wealthyone,
Colorsection is a fullwidth element and is working as intended. Please use the grid row which is available right next to the color section.
You can also enable custom css class name support and target the elements specifically to style as you require.
Best regards,
This Grid sect still goes Over my side bar which I Dont want…
How do I make it fit in my main area only??
Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)
Best regards,
Once again this is a DEV site
anyway I have found another solution for this so I am not worried about this anymore