if you have a color-section and give a background-image to it – you have the choice to position that attachment on enfold dialog.
on parallax the positioning of the background-attachmant (image) works as expected
– but on fixed positioning not .
it seem more like a center center than a center top.
it looks like the header-height isn’t regarded. On non shrinking header i can fix it with css (with background-position ) but on shrinking headers it must be influenced dynamically ?
Is there a fix for it ? – Thanks
PS : it is just because sometimes it is important to see the top of the image
hm i did that in child-theme functions.php :
this is a fix for top setting only
if you only want to change it for a specific site (see code at bottom) – in my case it is page-id-140
add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script');
function ava_custom_script(){
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
$(window).load(function() {
var shift = $('.container.av-logo-container').outerHeight();
$('.page-id-140 .avia-section.avia-bg-style-fixed').css('background-position-y', shift );
var shift = $('.container.av-logo-container').outerHeight();
$('.page-id-140 .avia-section.avia-bg-style-fixed').css('background-position-y', shift );
I think you open tickets, to brainstorm with your self! :D
Once again, you nailed it.
Feel free to let us know if we can help you further or again, feel free to pop into any other thread!
Cheers have a nice day
Best regards,