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  • #432966


    I’m trying to un-mute my video background in my color section. I’ve seen other threads on this topic, and I have followed those steps, but no joy.

    On the version of /themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/section.php I am editing, on line 715:
    I have changed it to:

    ‘video_mute’ => false,

    That doesn’t seem to be working…not getting any sound. I must be doing something wrong, can you advise, thanks.


    Hey astrolab!

    I tried it on my own installation and it worked fine. Can you please send us a link showing your background video? couldn’t find it on your website.

    Best regards,


    I`m also having the same problem. Change <em>’video_mute’ => false, </em>doesn’t seem to work. If I see the code, it affects (IMMO) to av_slideshow:

    $slide = array( 
    	'shortcode' => 'av_slideshow',  
    	'content' => '', 
    	'attr' => array( 	'id'=>'', 
    		'video'=>$video , 
    		'slide_type' => 'video', 
    		'video_mute' => false,
    		'video_loop' => true,

    BTW, I’m on WP 4.8 and Enfold 4.0.5.
    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by backfolder.

    Hi @backfolder,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.7) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard.
    I see only 2017 Mai 16nd – Version 4.0.6 in themeforest.
    Is the downloable file updated to 4.0.7?


    if you like to have a check mark in that section here is an edited section.php : download

    create a subfolder to your child-theme : “shortcodes”

    put this edited sections.php into this subfolder and add to your functions.php of your child-theme:

    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;

    looks this way:

    btw: a general change of that field could end up in a big cacophony if there are more than 1 film on a page – so it is per default set to mute the video


    Hi Guenni007!
    Wow! Thanks so much! I’m gonna make that changes, because I don’t have a child-theme.



    Thanks @guenni007 for helping out as always :-)

    Let us know if you should need any further help on the topic @backfolder

    Best regards,


    i made a new edited section.php and it works – but on former version : on inserting an input on video the format ratio and my new field for muting or not were displayed by directly sliding down.

    Now with the new Enfold 4.1 i first had to save – than reopen the element and now the new fields are visible. I see no fault in the array i inserted – the required field is set ok so i wonder why the fields didn’t open immediately

    		"name" 	=> __("Mute Video?", 'avia_framework' ),
    		"desc" 	=> __("Uncheck if you want to have audio", 'avia_framework' )."<br/><small>".__("by default it is muted", 'avia_framework' ) ."</small>" ,
    		"id" 	=> "video_mute",
    		"required"=> array('video','not',''),
    		"std" 	=> true,
    		"type" 	=> "checkbox"),


    Because of the live preview, that is a functionality removed I guess.
    We will do ask Kriesi to see if it is related on that so we can be sure!

    Best regards,


    hm seems to be gone – now it works on firefox too:

    here is the download for Enfold 4.1 : download



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    Hello there,

    I have implemented this solution, works great except in the newest safari, the video does not even start..
    any solutions?


    New Safari (11) does not permit autoload/autoplay of sounds or entering full screen window.
    I think that user in preferences can disable this option (enable auto-sounds).


    Yes i see, it is a User preference.. Thank you!



    Thanks for sharing @backfolder, much appreciated!

    Best regards,


    This download link for Enfold 4.1 for no sounds is broken – download link does not work
    Can the code be pasted here?


    Hi kpenner36,

    Do you need Enfold 4.1?

    Please find it below.

    Best regards,


    All the download links on this thread are broken. I need to unmute a video in a color section, and need to add this functionality. Can you add back the links please?


    Hi 1lizcollins,

    Can you see the link in private? It’s a link to Enfold 4.1.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem. I have a home page with a color section with a video background with sound. Unfortunately Chrome shows only a black picture. For portable devices I have a background-image. I changed video_mute => false and I tried to add mute/unmute buttons like Guenni007 in the past recommended but it doesn’t work. What could I do?


    Again here is a little tut and demo – maybe you get the solution from that:


    Thank you very much, Guenni007, but I tried it and it doesn’t work. I don’t know why. I made all the updates (Enfold, WordPress, Plugins). I have freeicons for mute/unmute buttons. Best regards


    ist there a link for your site?

    an what does it mean “does not work” ?
    you see the buttons – but the click event does not toggle the mute ?

    and you have set a custom class for that color section?

    You dont need to activate the overlay function in the ALB element –
    just give a custom class to the color-section: av-section-color-overlay-wrap


    Hello Guenni007,
    thank you for your answer. I’ve taken all the steps you recommended in your tutorial. But I can’t see any icons. With Modzilla the sound is there but with Chrome I can’t see a video . . I uploaded icons in the media library. Maybe I made a mistake. I send you the link to the page in private. The page is still under construction…
    Thank you in advance



    Did you replace the files as suggested in the previous replies? Unfortunately, we can’t help you with this modification because we didn’t author it. Please wait for @Guenni007 to respond.

    Best regards,


    Dear Ipuls
    – first : i’m participant as you – so i can not see the private content
    – second: the link to my little tut is still active and Enfold is there on Version 4.5.4. so it might work as you can see.
    – third: the download is not necessary – that was from an Enfold 4.1 – a lot of changings have been made ( f.e. an unmute button is now present on ALB-Element.

    Read carefully.

    A child-theme seems to be the best way. Because you can have then a section.php in your child-theme/shortcodes folder
    how to activate the replacement of child-theme ALB Elements you can read here on Top:
    Have you set custom-classes for the color-section? ( two classe as described because you don’t want to have that buttons always if you have an overlay effect on a color-section.
    The section.php as described change true to false on line 1097 (Enfold 4.5.4):

    find in section.php:
    'video_mute' => true,
    and set to :
    'video_mute' => false,

    The Quick Css Parts : did you adjust the url ? because if you got on Dashboard – Settings – Media: “Organise my uploads into month- and year-based folders” the url will be different !!!


    Hello guenni007,
    thank you again for your tips but unfortunately still no button appears and cannot mute oder unmute the sound of the video. With Modzilla there is no problem but with Chrome only a black picture with loading bar appears. I’ve done all your steps carefully with 2 different pages from two different hosters. With both I use Enfold and have the same problem. I use a child theme, set the video_mute in section.php to false, copied the code in function.php of the child theme and the other one in Quick-CSS. I uploaded 2 buttons for mute and unmute. Actually with the button name I also considered year and month. I set the Custom Class as you recommended by enabling the element options for developers like CSS classes in the theme options of the layout creator. So I entered the Custom Class as well as a video in the Color Section. Was that wrong? I think I have to give up the idea with the button. The music was very important to me, that the movie had been cut after the music. Thanks again for your efforts.


    may i see the livelink – i’m participant as you so you have to make it public or send me an e-mail – see Avatar link
    and you have a copy of that edited section.php in your child-theme/shortcodes folder ?

    I changed a bit the codes because it is still not necessary to have that overlay class on color-section.
    At that time I think it was necessary – with the new Enfold one class at the Color-Section is enough.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hello Guenni00,
    yes I have a copy of the edited section.php in my child-theme/shortcodes folder. I sent you the Homepage link to your e-mail. The site is under construction.

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