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  • #712142


    I tried to do negative parallax effect, i change ratio to negative and have some issues with background.

    add some code to enfold/functions.php

    add_filter(‘avf_parallax_speed’,’avia_change_parallax_ratio’, 1, 10);
    function avia_change_parallax_ratio($ratio, $id){
    $ratio = “-1.45”;
    return $ratio;

    but, my bg shows incorrectly, just in top part of page. When i add some huge of space to page, it works, but not fine, I dont need so much space on the page.
    How can i fixed it background? Maybe i do something wrong?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bestereo.

    Hi bestereo!

    Can you please provide us the function as you use it ( maybe use the code tag ) so we can be able to help you?

    Thanks a lot



    hm, i use theme)

    i want to make parallax bg, use color section )

    about code – in my last reply

    i just want to do speed of background scrolling 2x,3x,4x… faster than the speed of scrolling main page. Its possible?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bestereo.

    can enybody help?



    There is a text block with lots of br tags. What is that for? You cannot use negative values for the “avf_parallax_speed” filter because it’s going to decrease the height of the parallax container relative to the color section. The value has to be greater than 0.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael.

    Ok, how i can increase container?

    repeat: i just want to do speed of background scrolling 2x,3x,4x… faster than the speed of scrolling main page. Its possible?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bestereo.


    Adjust the value to a positive one, maybe “3” will do.

    add_filter( 'avf_parallax_speed', 'enfold_customization_change_speed' );
    function enfold_customization_change_speed( $speed ) {
         return 3;

    This will also change the size of the parallax container which in turn resize the background image.

    Best regards,



    Its worked, but background scrolling down)
    I want that background to scroll in the same direction, upwards…



    No ideas how change motion vector?)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by bestereo.


    The direction of parallax is the same as the direction you are scrolling for example when scrolling down the image also moves down but at a different speed or if scrolled up it moves up also. I tried to reverse the direction but failed, I think would take us a lot of time to do it. Since the feature isn’t available yet please feel free to request – or vote if already requested – such feature on Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,

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