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  • #571596


    I uploaded a background image 1980 x 623 into my color section, however, when I view the page, the image seems to be stretched out much larger than that, and so my image is getting cut off. How do I prevent this from happening?

    I noticed that on the background image of the color section you can select what percentage of the screen you want the image to take up, but I can’t seem to control where the image gets cropped.

    I am using the demo startup pages as my starting point

    Also, if I want my image to be full width, what is the optimal image size to fill up 1980 without losing too much resolution?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by xuamox.

    Hey xuamox!

    I don’t think your wanting to use parallax in this case. Set it to fixed or scroll.

    Your image size looks good. You may need to increase the height a bit though.

    Best regards,


    But I don’t seem to have any control as to what part of my image shows. There is still some form of cutoff, regardless of what option I choose.
    Just trying to understand how the background image works in terms of sizing.



    It’s set to cover the containing element so some image data will not be visible, that is inevitable. If not then there would be areas which would not be covered by the image. Try using an image where there’s not too much important information close to the edges of the image.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the explanation

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