Tagged: background image, color section, scroll
For a Color Section, I had background image set to Scroll > Center/Right. Here were the issues/questions:
1. When I reached this particular section while scrolling down the page, the background image dropped out from the very top of the section and continued to scroll until it hit the next section. I would expect the image to appear Center/Right based on the height of the content within the section, rather than drop from above. Maybe that’s just the way this is supposed to work.?
2. When I scrolled up, the background image disappears behind the upper section. I would expect it to stay Center/Right based on the height of the content within the section, rather than disappear under the section above. Maybe that’s just the way this is supposed to work.?
Thank you,
Hi Ryan,
Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Sorry, I had a deadline and had to scratch that idea. If you could let me know how it’s supposed to work, that’s enough for me. Otherwise, I can create some dummy screenshots that illustrate what it was doing. Thanks!
Yes please share a mockup or a link where we can see the issue that way we can provide you with accutatre solution.
Vinay Kashyap