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  • #882013

    Hi guys,

    I set a max width for my website: when screen is bigger than 1440px sides appears and the website stay in the middle.
    Example here: https://ergosolutions-transitions.ovh/particuliers-entreprises/produits/bureaux-ergonomiques/poste-ergonomique-informatique/

    Problem is I want that the background to be white and not brown. The only solution is to modify the background color of the header in General Styling but then my header is not good.

    Any guess how to change the color of the background when screen is bigger than 1440px without changing the background color of the header ?

    Note: the color background of the content is already set as white in my General Settings.


    Hey Demaup,
    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    #main {background-color: #fff !important; }

    Best regards,


    This is working great! Thank you Mike :)

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