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  • #1135028
    Ashok Dudhat

    Dear Christian,

    I hope that you are doing well.

    I am Ashok Dudhat from Berlin and Author of the WP Event Manager ( Plugin. WP Event Manager is a lightweight, open source, scalable and full featured event management plugin for adding event listing functionality to your WordPress site.

    We have good possibility to collaboration and it will benefit both of us. We have almost 2000+ Customers and Our aim always to focus on add ons rather than theme hence our customer always looking theme which can support our plugin or they can build event management site using our plugin with other theme. As I have seen that if you can integrate our plugin into your theme or include inside etc so we can recommend to our customer and also we can list your theme at and promote in our social network etc.

    Top of we are doing strong marketing of our plugin so your theme also we will get benefits and we going to launch blog :
    How to Create an Event Registration Website with WordPress (4 Steps)
    We can also mentioned your theme, in the step : select theme etc.

    More about our plugin and why it is strong, please have look it here

    Looking forward to hearing from you.



    Hey Ashok Dudhat,

    Thank you for contacting us.
    We have send this to Kriesi and if he is interested for the opportunity, he will do email back!

    Best regards,

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