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  • #1280644
    Enzo Momo

    Hi. I bought coherence theme at envato, but is no longer available there. I have installed version 4.1 with wordpress 5.1. Is there a new version for download? It works fine with wordpress 5.6?
    This is my live site>:


    Hey Enzo Momo,

    We are now only selling the Enfold Theme. Are you in need of support for a specific problem with Coherence?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

    Enzo Momo

    Hey, thanks for the answer. The question is: I have coherence theme v 4.1, if I upgrade wordpress to 5.6 version, it will be works fine?
    Thanks in advance.



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Coherence theme has not been in development for the last 3 years and I am afraid it is not compatible with WP5.6. The latest WP version it supported was 4.5. If you would like to test it, please do so on a testing environment to be on the safe side :)

    Also, if you would like to switch to a more powerful, flexible and user friendly theme, please check out Enfold – :)

    Best regards,

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