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  • #1092927

    Since WordPress is already using CodeMirror on Theme Editor & Plugin Editor, it would be great if we can have it on the Code Block element.
    I tried to add it but not yet successful. I can put this on the browser console (after enqueuing the codemirror script in post editor) and it works but not sure if how to automate this when the edit element is triggered?

    var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("aviaTBcontent"), {
    	lineNumbers: true,
    	mode: "text/html"
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by MM.

    Hey MM,

    This is an interesting feedback. We would have to add it on the code from our side on the backend JS loaded – we will do suggest to our developers.

    Best regards,

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