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  • #859513


    I have added a codebox with javascript and css styling to a page:
    This page
    The code makes the easy slider disappear when placed on the page. I can’t seem to find why that is happening.

    Kind regards,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by tomhoeve.

    Does anyone have the same problem? I can’t seem to fix it.



    You are getting this error on the page:

    avia.js?ver=4.1:1198 Uncaught TypeError: dropdownItems.find(...).addBack is not a function
        at HTMLUListElement.<anonymous> (avia.js?ver=4.1:1198)
        at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
        at init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
        at init.$.fn.aviaMegamenu (avia.js?ver=4.1:1037)
        at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (avia.js?ver=4.1:64)
        at o (jquery.min.js:2)
        at Object.fireWith (jquery.min.js:2)
        at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2)
        at HTMLDocument.B (jquery.min.js:2)

    What code are you using and what is it supposed to do?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Sorry for the late response. It is a plugin which loads external information to the page (to show scores).
    I added to quick CSS:

    /* LayerSlider height in portable device*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #main #layer_slider_1{
    height: auto !important;
    This fixed a lot of problems.

    Now my last problem is the plugin also affects the header on This page
    If you scroll down, the social icons will not resize to make the header smaller.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by tomhoeve.

    Hi Tom,

    Great, glad you made some progress. About the page you linked to, you are getting some error messages on that as well:

    Uncaught TypeError: dropdownItems.find(...).addBack is not a function
        at HTMLUListElement.<anonymous> (avia.js?ver=4.1:1198)
        at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
        at init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
        at init.$.fn.aviaMegamenu (avia.js?ver=4.1:1037)
        at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (avia.js?ver=4.1:64)
        at o (jquery.min.js:2)
        at Object.fireWith (jquery.min.js:2)
        at Function.ready (jquery.min.js:2)
        at HTMLDocument.B (jquery.min.js:2)

    Does the page work normally if you remove the custom code?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you. I’m not really sure what these error messages mean.
    I’ve tested the page without the codeblock and it works fine then.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Tom,

    Ok, thanks for the feedback. It likely means that the code you are using is conflicting with theme. What exact code are you using and what is the purpose of it?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    The code is :
    <div id=”club-plugin”></div>

    <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js”></script&gt;
    <script src=”https://mijn.handbal.nl/kcp/a1f6836795321325b/team/”></script&gt;
    <link type=”text/css” href=”http://www.hvbsac.nl/wordp/clubplugin-style.css&#8221; rel=”stylesheet” />
    <link type=”text/css” href=”http://www.hvbsac.nl/wordp/clubplugin-grey.css&#8221; rel=”stylesheet” />


    It gets data from the national handball federation to show results, the program etc.



    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for that, I can see that you are including a different version of jQuery than the theme is using, and I think that is what is causing the problems. Maybe you could try it without the first line in the script? I doubt it will work but it’s worth a try:

    <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js”></script>

    If that doesn’t work then I think you will have to get help from the developers of the code, since it seems to not be compatible with the theme in its current state.

    Best regards,

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