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  • #790275

    Since a lap of time, I can’t save code properly in the code block element of Enfold. Can’t say exactly how long it is this way… I put some html in the block, and warp it in a div element wich has css attributes. Worked fine for several month. If I don’t have to save the page for changes it still works, but if I make some small changes and save, the code in the code block looks totally different afterward.
    I use this code box to include navigation bullets on the right side of each page.

    Could you please help me to solve that problem?
    Thx, Eric

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Schmiddy. Reason: rename

    Hey Eric,

    I would say that the html in there is really weird. Has it always been like this?
    Looks like html in French version is invalid. What you can do is validate html, paste it back there and see what happens.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria
    Thank you for your answer.
    Yes in deed, code look horrible… The code I put in is definitely valid, but when I publish my page and opens the box again, the code is like you have seen it.
    I’ve sent you the link to 2 pages… one is OK, the code has not changed in the codebox (please don’t change anything ‘cos it would happen also to this code) and the other page is there where I changed something (valide html) and cracks after a save. It then looks the way you’ve seen it.
    So I still need help to find out why saving act like this!
    Thank you very much!



    We tried to modify the code but we are not sure how it is supposed to work. There seems to be a custom script applied in the elements. Where did you get the codes for the fixed or bulleted navigation?

    Best regards,


    The bullet navigation is driven by a plugin who smoothly slides my sections from ID to ID (https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/page-scroll-to-id/). Rest is pure CSS and a bit html. In the code block I put a simple html list with links who points to section IDs, thats the whole thing.

    I the language German it seems to work (it has new behavior though) but still funktional – I have to check out why it is not aligned correctly anymore (on the right side of the pages). Behavior of the bullet navi should look and work like on this website I’ve done 2 years ago: https://www.modansoftware.ch/

    My main problem is, in the French pages the navigation bullets are not working nor looks the way it should. This is due to the following problem:
    Each time I save the html code in the code block and publish the page, the code block cut off some html parts into its block, specially the css attributes. The German code block isn’t touched from this problem. The problem occurs only in french code block – but why???

    Thank you for your support!!!! :-)
    Best regards, Eric



    Please post the correct html codes on pastebin.com so that we can test it. Last time I checked it, the “texthover” span is outside the anchor link which is invalid. It’s supposed to be inside.

    Best regards,


    This is exactly what I mean!!! I post valid HTML in the code block, but after saving, it look like what you’ve seen (see below).

    The valid HTML looks like that:

    	<li><a href="#informationensga" rel="bullet-nav"><div class="texthover">» Informations</div><span></span></a></li>
    	<li><a href="#fruechte" rel="bullet-nav"><div class="texthover">» Fruits, légumes, pommes de terre</div><span></span></a></li>
    	<li><a href="#most" rel="bullet-nav"><div class="texthover">» fruits à cidre et à distillert</div><span></span></a></li>
    	<li><a href="#oelsaaten" rel="bullet-nav"><div class="texthover">» Oléagineux</div><span></span></a></li>
    	<li><a href="#brotgetreide" rel="bullet-nav"><div class="texthover">» Céréales panifiables</div><span></span></a></li>


    …and after saving: (some how it cuts parts of the code off and rearrange it in a weird maner)

     	<li><a href="#informationensga" rel="bullet-nav">
    <div class="texthover">» Informations</div></li>
     	<li><a href="#fruechte" rel="bullet-nav">
    <div class="texthover">» Fruits, légumes, pommes de terre</div></li>
     	<li><a href="#most" rel="bullet-nav">
    <div class="texthover">» fruits à cidre et à distillert</div></li>
     	<li><a href="#oelsaaten" rel="bullet-nav">
    <div class="texthover">» Oléagineux</div></li>
     	<li><a href="#brotgetreide" rel="bullet-nav">
    <div class="texthover">» Céréales panifiables</div></li>
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Schmiddy.


    Thank you for the info. We replaced the html codes with the plugin shortcode.

    <div id="bullet-nav" class="right">
    		<li>[ps2id url="#informationensga"]<div class="texthover">» Informations</div><span class="bullet-span">&nbsp;</span>[/ps2id]</li>
    		<li>[ps2id url="#fruechte"]<div class="texthover">» Fruits, légumes, pommes de terre</div><span class="bullet-span">&nbsp;</span>[/ps2id]</li>
    		<li>[ps2id url="#most"]<div class="texthover">» fruits à cidre et à distillert</div><span class="bullet-span">&nbsp;</span>[/ps2id]</li>
    		<li>[ps2id url="#oelsaaten"]<div class="texthover">» Oléagineux</div><span class="bullet-span">&nbsp;</span>[/ps2id]</li>
    		<li>[ps2id url="#brotgetreide"]<div class="texthover">» Céréales panifiables</div><span class="bullet-span">&nbsp;</span>[/ps2id]</li>

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael

    Thank you for you well appreciate support!
    I presume, there is no other way to fix that, right? That means, I will have to do that for all my pages…

    What I don’t understand is, why the code can’t stay the way I put it in the code box? When I format it the way I want, after saving it has new breaks… is there something behind this code box who formate html code?

    Thank you!



    Yes, unfortunately, you will have to replace it with the new markup or shortcode. The code or text block element, somehow, finds the markup invalid. We’ll report the issue to our developers.

    Best regards,


    OK, thnx for the answer, I changed everything already ;-)

    Possibly a information who could help:
    I use WPML. We have this issue in French, but in German not. In German, the code stays as I paste it in, while in French it the code block cut out some html elements.
    Very strange behavior… thanks for reporting to your developers!




    Thank you for the info. We’ll give you an update once we found something. :)

    Best regards,

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