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  • #1066512

    I try to be more clear.
    If I create an empty page with Enfold theme, I get a series of ERROR CODE (warnings) that will compromise the vaidation by Google and page is discarded by indexing.
    Annex, in the private area is the example.
    Please, can I know how to eliminate those warnings and let Google index my pages?


    Hey tenstepit,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    As I said on the previous thread, there are no actual errors on that report. They’re just suggestions based on the tool’s testing criteria. The page should be indexable with or without those reports.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update.

    Those tags and attributes were added manually inside the very first text block in the page. They are not generated by the theme. You can remove it directly from the the text block element.


    Best regards,

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