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  • #1204321

    Hello, I would like to display in a submenu of the html code. Here is the code. I tried to put the html code in “personalized link” but nothing is displayed. Do you have a solution?

    <div class="rt-container">
             <div class="col-rt-3">  
                <figure class="snip1104">
                    <img src="https://www.gallice-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/1.jpg" alt="Ingénierie, conseil et audit" />
                    <h2 style="top: 45%;"> <span>Ingénierie, conseil et audit</span></h2>
                    <a href="#"></a>
              <div class="col-rt-3">  
                <figure class="snip1104">
                    <img src="https://www.gallice-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2.jpg" alt="Veille et analyse stratégique" />
                    <h2 style="top: 32%;"><span>Veille et analyse stratégique</span></h2>
                    <a href="#"></a>
     <div class="col-rt-3">  
                <figure class="snip1104">
                    <img src="https://www.gallice-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/retro_pro.jpg" alt="Formation" />
                    <h2 style="top: 45%;"><span>Formation</span></h2>
                    <a href="#"></a>
     <div class="col-rt-3">  
                <figure class="snip1104">
                    <img src="https://www.gallice-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/suretefixe.jpg" alt="Accompagnement et appui en zone à risque" />
                    <h2 style="top: 32%;"><span>Accompagnement et appui en zone à risque</span></h2>
                    <a href="#"></a>
     <div class="col-rt-6">  
                <figure class="snip1104">
                    <img src="https://www.gallice-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fotolia_105264032_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg" alt="Contre-mesure et intelligence stratégique" />
                    <h2 style="top: 45%;"><span>Contre-mesure et intelligence stratégique</span></h2>
                    <a href="#"></a>
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by gmartine.

    WHO could help me please?



    I’m not sure I understand what you need help with? Please try to explain a bit further or post screenshots highlighting your intentions.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I can’t make a post at the forums. I can’t get any e-mail contact, no facebook contact. Can someone please get in contact with me or help me throug here? Everytime I install ENFOLD which i’ve bought for 3 websites already. After some time my pages start to mess up, you can login and view the HOME page for example. Normally I only see the editor with blocks I can place into my work. Now it’s many HTML text (i think)? And the normal Avia menu is gone.

    I paid a SEO optimizer and he said he won’t work until it is fixed. Please help me to everything back to normal.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by rinkdemi.


    Please create your own post so we can assist and include screenshots of our findings in the Private Content area, for example I took a look at your homepage in the editor, but I couldn’t find any issues. Your frontend also looked fine.
    When you start your own post also include screenshots of the error. To add a screenshot please try using https://savvyify.com/img/ and pasting the image URL in your post.

    Best regards,

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