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  • #1413002

    Hello Enfold Team,

    My site is scoring poorly on Google’s CLS test. If you load the site in a private window, you can visually see the content jump on the home page. I have two different images that I am using above the fold, one for mobile and another for desktop. Is that what is causing the issue? If so, what can I do to fix this? I already tried disabling lazy loading, both within Enfold -> performance, on the image itself, and in SiteGround’s Optimizer, but none of these had any effect.

    Thanks for your help.


    PageSpeed Insights Screen Shot


    Hey James,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Disabling the parallax effect and the fade animation of the large Scout logo may help reduce the layout shift. Unfortunately, we are not sure why the “scroll to top” button contributes to the layout shift, as it is a fixed element and should not cause other elements to move. Let us know if adjusting the parallax settings help.

    Best regards,



    I was able to cut my negative CLS score in half by removing the values I set in Image -> Advanced -> Position -> Location, and instead using a white space element. (just an FYI)

    Regarding the fade animation settings, I was trying to remove that to test your theory, but no animation value is set. Any idea where that is coming from?

    Image Settings Screenshot




    Thank you for the update.

    Regarding the fade animation settings, I was trying to remove that to test your theory, but no animation value is set. Any idea where that is coming from?

    The fade-in animation is applied using a CSS code in the avia-scs.min.css file. Did you create the file? To override it, please use the following CSS code.

    .js_active, .js_active {
        opacity: 1;
        transition: none;

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry I never closed the loop on this. Please close the thread.



    Thank you for the update. We’ll close the thread now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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