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  • #1276322

    Hello there

    Is there a way to close a hot-spot by clicking anywhere away from it ie. anywhere on the screen apart from within the revealed?

    At the moment you can only close it by clicking the hot-spot again – most annoying!

    The hot-spot NEEDS to be show on ‘Show on hover – hide on click’ as the revealed hotspot shows links within it – you can see on the link in Private Content.


    Hey whdsolutions,

    Sorry for the delay. This should be possible, but we have to directly modify the AviaTooltip function in the themes\enfold\js\avia.js, and bind a new event to the body tag so that when you click anywhere else, all tooltips will close. Please look for this code around line 1596.

    if (this.options.event != 'click') {
    				this.scope.on('mouseleave', default_tooltips, $.proxy(this.hide_tooltip, this));
    				this.scope.on('click', default_tooltips, $.proxy(this.hide_on_click_tooltip, this));
    			} else {
    				this.body.on('mousedown', $.proxy(this.hide_tooltip, this));

    Below, add this code.

    	this.body.on('click', $.proxy(this.hide_all_tooltips, this));

    You may need to toggle or temporarily disable the Performance > File Compression settings after doing the modification.

    Best regards,



    Thank you!



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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