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  • #418081

    Hi! We were wondering if you had any idea on the issue we are having with our Woocommerce. If you follow this link, you will see that the main thumbnail for the product is not clickable and expendable. We would like it to be like on your demo here : – for image to open up on click. We noticed that the thumbnail itself seems to be driven by the plugin that we have installed – “redux framework”. We have this plugin from the previous theme we used before we switched on to Enfold. When we turn the plugin off, the thumbnail disappears. I was wondering if maybe you are using a different plugin in your theme to control the thumbnail and maybe that’s why your thumbnail acts differently. Would you have any insight on that?

    Gear Out Here


    Hi gearouthere!

    Yes it looks like your using a plugin there. When you deactivate the plugin all of the product images disappear? That sounds pretty odd. Try deactivating all of your plugins except WooCommerce to see if there is a different plugin interfering.

    Also try completely deleting Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest. If there are no customizations or plugins interfering with the product then it should display as in our demo,

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott, thank you, I did just wat you said and we found the culprit – the “Woocommerce Multiple Images Per Variation” plugin. We disabled it and everything works great except now we don’t have the multiple images per different variations – if you look at this product for example – it doesn’t show little gallery images for variations as it used to… Have you encountered this issue before? I wonder if there’s some solution. I could always look for another plugin to achieve the same functionality I guess.

    Gear Out Here



    your website looks fine to me and I can see little gallery images here:

    But maybe you mean something else? could you show us what you want to achieve?

    Make sure to use the newest WordPress and Enfold version (3.1.2.). Also update all plugins. If it still does not work with the plugin you have uses before, I suggest to contact the plugin’s author for support and/or search for another one.

    Hope this helps.



    Hi Andy, thank you! What I mean is when we pick a different variation rather than the default one, in our example – a red bag instead of the blue, the variation images stay blue (see the link: . The plugin that we had (“Woocommerce Multiple Images Per Variation”) allowed us to have these images to be different according to the main product image (red or blue etc..)



    I am sorry, but we can’t provide support for any third party plugins.
    As they know their product best, I suggest to contact the plugin’s author for support here:



    Hi Andy, thanks for your help and suggestion! We’ll address the question to the plugin developers!

    Thank you,
    Gear Out Here

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