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  • #1311506

    We recently updated WordPress, theme and all plugins. On certain pages I get the circle of death, as I call it, that just spins and spins, and the builder never opens. I have tried disabling the plugins with no success. The issue shows up on random pages.

    Here are a few.


    See note in private.


    Also while trying to save changes in the Enfold theme I receive the message that says…

    “Saving didn’t work!
    Please reload the page and try again”


    For the page this is what I see when I look at it with the Google Chrome developer feature

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
    post.php:1 [DOM] Found 10 elements with non-unique id #_ajax_nonce: (More info:
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” id=​”_ajax_nonce” name=​”_ajax_nonce” value=​”0066532cb8″>​

    post.php:1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #avia-save-nonce: (More info:
    <input type=​”hidden” name=​”avia-save-nonce” id=​”avia-save-nonce” value=​”5c8fc85347″>​
    <input type=​”hidden” name=​”avia-save-nonce” id=​”avia-save-nonce” value=​”5c8fc85347″>​

    /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
    /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

    util.js:240 Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys


    From this page….

    I go to edit the page and it is the circle of death.

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2 Failed to decode downloaded font:

    OTS parsing error: invalid sfntVersion: 875574304 Failed to decode downloaded font:

    OTS parsing error: invalid sfntVersion: 875574304
    sdk.js?hash=7d17b3c60731d4a7d20aaf22da27a998:174 Failed to decode downloaded font:
    constructor @ sdk.js?hash=7d17b3c60731d4a7d20aaf22da27a998:174

    OTS parsing error: invalid sfntVersion: 875574304
    constructor @ sdk.js?hash=7d17b3c60731d4a7d20aaf22da27a998:174 Failed to decode downloaded font:

    OTS parsing error: invalid sfntVersion: 875574304


    Could this be a PHP issue? We are using 7.3.4. My IT guy said Hostek does not load the new, most current version of PHP as they usually have unforeseen bugs.



    Thanks for the login details and updates. I can’t see any problems on the page in private, but I do see that you are getting a 500 internal server error on admin-ajax.php when trying to save the theme options. Did you try to disable all plugins, to see if that makes any difference? If you could upgrade your PHP version to 7.4 or higher, then that would be worth a shot too. If neither of those things should help, then please try reaching out to your hosting provider, to see if they can tell you why the server is responding with a 500 internal server error.

    Best regards,


    I have tried disabling all of the plugins and that did not work. I keep seeing this error. That seems to be an ajax error, no?

    [DOM] Found 5 elements with non-unique id #_ajax_nonce: (More info: input#_ajax_nonce input#_ajax_nonce input#_ajax_nonce
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    contentEditable: “inherit”
    dataset: DOMStringMap {}
    defaultChecked: false
    defaultValue: “29d1b59ebe”
    dir: “”
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    disabled: false
    draggable: false
    elementTiming: “”
    enterKeyHint: “”
    files: null
    firstChild: null
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    form: form#post
    formAction: “;
    formEnctype: “”
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    formNoValidate: false
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    id: “_ajax_nonce”
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    innerHTML: “”
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    labels: nulllang: “”
    lastChild: nulllastElementChild: nulllist: nulllocalName: “input”max: “”maxLength: -1min: “”minLength: -1multiple: falsename: “_ajax_nonce”namespaceURI: “”nextElementSibling: nullnextSibling: nullnodeName: “INPUT”nodeType: 1nodeValue: nullnonce: “”
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    outerHTML: “<input type=\”hidden\” id=\”_ajax_nonce\” name=\”_ajax_nonce\” value=\”29d1b59ebe\”>”outerText: “”ownerDocument: documentparentElement: td.leftparentNode: td.leftpart: DOMTokenList [value: “”]pattern: “”placeholder: “”prefix: nullpreviousElementSibling: div.submitpreviousSibling: div.submitreadOnly: falserequired: falsescrollHeight: 0scrollLeft: 0scrollTop: 0scrollWidth: 0selectionDirection: nullselectionEnd: nullselectionStart: nullshadowRoot: nullsize: 20slot: “”spellcheck: truesrc: “”step: “”style: CSSStyleDeclaration {additiveSymbols: “”, alignContent: “”, alignItems: “”, alignSelf: “”, alignmentBaseline: “”, …}tabIndex: 0tagName: “INPUT”textContent: “”title: “”translate: truetype: “hidden”useMap: “”validationMessage: “”validity: ValidityState {valueMissing: false, typeMismatch: false, patternMismatch: false, tooLong: false, tooShort: false, …}value: “29d1b59ebe”valueAsDate: nullvalueAsNumber: NaNwebkitEntries: []webkitdirectory: falsewidth: 0willValidate: false[[Prototype]]: HTMLInputElement input#_ajax_nonce input#_ajax_nonce


    Did you look at invalid opening-closing tags? I think that was one of our issues before.


    I just updated the theme to the most recent version. That seems to have fixed the issue of missing text, but did not fix the back end issue of the Avia builder just showing the “Circle of Death”. When the page first pops up it shows the option to edit custom elements, but then those two buttons quickly go away. Is this related to my issue?

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Some time ago I had a similar problem and it was due to the plugins, turn them off momentarily and try each one, in my case the one that generated a problem was the SEO app, google site, I uninstalled them and everything worked.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Can someone from support please talk to me about PHP compatibility? We rolled back the PHP to a slightly earlier version and that appears to have fixed most of the issues.

    It seems like every time we update WordPress, Enfold theme, and our PHP the s&%$ goes nuts. The company that hosts our server space does not allow users to use the most recent, up-to-date version of PHP because they are historically known to be glichy. Shouldn’t the Enfold them be backward complaint, at least a few versions?


    Hi trexperts,

    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure exactly which PHP versions you have been running, but 7.4 is the minimum recommended version for running WordPress on. I see sites which run fine on earlier versions almost daily though, so I’m not sure if the theme is responsible for your problems.

    Best regards,


    We are currently running 7.2.17. We tried 7.3.4, but that broke everything. Hostek, the company that hosts the site won’t load 7.4 until it is more stable.

    To your point, assuming 7.2.17 is fine for running with WordPress 5.8 then that only leaves the theme as the issue. I have deactivated all plugins and that did not fix the issue. What was the ajax nonce issue that I was seeing?



    Thanks for the update. The theme could be responsible for your problems, but it’s unlikely since we can’t reproduce the problems you are having on test installations. We haven’t had any reports from other users of similar problems either. I see a lot of errors on the page in private, and none of the seem to be generated by the theme, please see screenshot. Why is there a lot of errors pointing to the URL in private for example?

    Best regards,

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