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  • #718880
    Richard Teller

    We are currently using your Enfold theme and have a need to create a website for a church.

    At I see a site called “Enfold Church” but when I go to your list of themes, all I see is your Incarnation theme that is separate from the Enfold theme.

    How do I implement the Enfold Church theme…??

    – Dick Teller


    Hey Teller!

    Thank you for contacting us!

    Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Enfold which is currently 3.8.1 – Then you can go to Enfold theme options > Demo Import to import Church demo :)

    If you have any other questions or issues, please register to our support forum – and start a new thread under Enfold sub forum


    Richard Teller

    I have done what you suggest above — updated to v3.8.1 and then imported the Church demo.

    But am not there yet.

    I expect to see something very similar to

    What I see is

    What do I do next…??

    – Dick



    Please deactivate all plugins one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.

    If that does not help, please register to our forum and start a new thread and attach temporary admin logins in private content field.

    Best regards,

    Richard Teller

    I tried changing the theme to the Enfold parent theme rather than using a child theme and the pages looked as expected. Working backwards, I was able to determine that the problem was that I was using an out-of-date version of header.php in the child theme.

    Bit I have another problem — see

    Note that the Venue and Organizers do not render as expected.

    When I to go Events > Venues in WordPress and update a venue, I got a “Error while saving” when I click the Update button. Same error when I go to Events > Organizers and update an organizer.

    When I attempt to update an event and click either the Edit Venue or Edit Organizer links, I get an error saying I cannot edit of this post type.

    How so I fix these problems and get events to render correctly…??

    – Dick Teller



    vendor and organizer seem to render fine on the link you’ve provided:

    So could you fix the issue already?

    It’s best to open a new ticket for a new question/issue, otherwise it gets confusing in our forum.

    Best regards,

    Richard Teller


    Yes, I fixed most of the problem by cleaning out the posts table for the site. I believe that the problem I reported was caused by some posts from an events plugin that I had been using before moving to the Enfold Church theme.

    I still get an occasional “error while saving” message after successful saves which I believe is related the autosaves. When I have a chance, I am going to do a clean install of the Enfold Church theme and see if it fixes the problem.

    You can close this ticket. I will open a new one if necessary.

    – Dick



    glad you could fix it so far. Yes, let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.

    Best regards,

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