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  • #698108

    Is anyone else experiencing their favicon not working correctly in Chrome? This week I noticed my favicon not showing correctly on Chrome browser when I’m on my site.
    Here’s the Favicon we in our Theme Options settings: https://www.onesourcebackground.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/One-Source-Favicon.png
    Chrome, Wrong Favicon: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B14n5RiCOyafQjgtMG1UTGpYQkk
    This appears to be specific to this page. If I just navigate to our homepage it shows a page icon instead of our favicon.
    Chrome showing page icon instead of Favicon: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B14n5RiCOyafSXRBMWhXNDVfSUE
    Firefox, Correct Favicon: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B14n5RiCOyafU0piWldieFF5TXc

    We use Act-On marketing automation platform and they host our proxy forms (so where I mention Vendor on screenshot, this is who I am referring to). So the image labeled “Chrome, Wrong Favicon” you will see it’s applying their favicon. It renders correctly in Firefox. The 2nd tab is Act-On’s site. I contacted Act-On and they inspected the page in Chrome and couldn’t figure out why their favicon would show up on our domain in Chrome. They don’t see this. In Chrome, they see the page icon as the favicon. But in Firefox and Internet Explorer the favicon shows correctly. I am on a Mac so I asked them to email the screenshots. Here are their screenshots:
    Chrome: https://p6.zdusercontent.com/attachment/54976/ZgTC68aKOkzhjtKErxuqlEznb?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..zI6qj3n8Zh9Z5Po-EczZ1w.fnNIU8mm2C0ZtIO7GYSIBf7SRIQbjySl_4PqhWvcP8lfbJ0I6AiyqXr0bdtaiDfWImiXXRCEkF3SjSgJr2kqnsQNT6BKEMOIBsWmuwMDxNfQjqalSsiGV027RnYInxQV_RyTsUmZDGIRSMrWhS8q1nXbhDIw15i6caCe7BV3Vtnwe4etQMTKW7qVTyLYDO8Pa_MwWJLJDcjexPsEjpyp2ytoSV5W5PIxvfypq3EbJjvv0-GjRyfcxON9xxQranL1mMX9ICqXXIc1XF-F-TeFfr8mK31815U_yShzshd5-yk.qLg7zbE4qv30TN40aJXvGA
    Internet Explorer: https://p6.zdusercontent.com/attachment/54976/j3UVjbpKxdWJUXzcVp5TX3d2q?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..5CuKTfHVyVier6kPVZLdnA.PNLwp0ilCt8tcX4Mu6lp4i89qGjL8T4XQU7Mru0FFBv1YXdvvh-2-PQKs0Y5pE8iDTUJdcK3y-vo8VYapg31lZqbwfDoyTBWwHK7jYaBSojscaJCSx-kV573FhS6fA_gQ9tlwBtxKeacXYql_RSod6KP2N0DBeJAw1CxoUkkkDpfKCQ4kTGLSLoFfuh3K3Pj-1CftX9KmJfYkNIz-kUwY9VRKJC1NdpP4KClN-sOa20WdHqACjvYVwZaUNZfop1vBTQeS0OctSNip2M3qQaKYau891Gs8kYvK5BwqOYPr0w.fTCtHMYeQkJSpRkwX3feeg

    I will try to clear my cache to see if this will fix the problem. Just curious if anyone knows something if they could share.


    Hey jend_onesource,

    Please try this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-favicon/

    If you still have any issue we need to take a closer look Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,


    Login credentials added. I’d prefer you research the backend before I install another plugin. As for deactivating plugins. You can deactivate all plugins for testing but the One Source QR Scan. This one our clients use so it needs to remain active. Fairly confident this plugin is not the root cause.



    I tried to troubleshoot this issue but the login credentials you provided do not work for me. Would you mind checking once again and then send us working login credentials?

    The user role for the account you send us should be set to ‘administrator’ so we can try to disable all plugins and add custom code (if necessary) to resolve the issue.

    Best regards,


    Please try again. I also provided the email I have on file for you. And yes, your role is Administrator.



    The favicon shows up fine after deactivating the plugins.
    To find which plugin is causing the conflict please follow these steps:

    1. Go to your plugins page > Deactivate all active Plugins
    2. Update WordPress and Enfold to latest version if you have not.
    3. Make sure all the plugins are updated.
    4. If the problem does not persist when plugins are turned off, activate one plugin at a time and refresh until you find the plugin in conflict.

    We await the results of your plugin compatibility test.

    Thanks for your cooperation :)

    Let us know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Vinay.

    So weird. I activated the plugins one by one. And now the Favicon is showing. Not sure exactly why. But I’ll take it. Sorry to have troubled you! Thanks for your assistance.



    Sometimes plugins with similar function/feature will overwrite the theme functions. Glad we could help!
    We really appreciate it if you rate our theme on themeforest https://themeforest.net/downloads
    To know more about enfold features please check – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/
    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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