Tagged: $avia_config, child theme, enfold, functions.php, image sizes
I am trying to remove the selectable image sizes from enfold, make sure they don’t generate additional sizes on upload and add my own custom ones. I am using a blank functions.php and and not using $avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’] = true;
I have read several other forum posts here that offer suggestions but none of them work for me. Such as:
1. I have been able to successfully remove them from the upload list, but the different sizes still seem to be generated on upload.
2. I can not add my own custom sizes
using enfold Version: 2.4.5
Hi thebrewhouse!
The last time I checked it when you add your own via the child theme you need to add all of the ones you want since the array is replaced (https://kriesi.at/support/topic/generate-new-image-sizes-in-child-theme/#post-129951).
Once you’ve done so it should no longer generate any others.
Best regards,