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  • #798260


    i want to update enfold theme, but i have make changes on parent theme. Now, i try to move that changes on localhost, before make that on server.

    I installed child theme and move on that a file from parent theme e.g. class-form-generator.php. On that file i remove the asterisks from required text field. I set enfold child theme active and tried to update that. The update complete successfully, but the changes lost. Why?

    I moved that file from parent to enfold child theme and that file doesn’t affected the child theme. Why?

    If i make changes on enfold parent theme files and i move that files to enfold child theme, why doesn’t appear the changes after update?

    When a file is inside a folder on parent theme, how could we move that on child theme (with folder or only the file)?

    Thank you


    Hey Designweb,

    Have you attempted to copy your intended changes directly into the functions.php file of the child theme?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello Jordan,

    ok. I will try to do that.

    One more question if you know. Why child theme has limits and it doesn’t work like parent theme?

    Thank you



    I’m not sure what you mean by your last question, in what way is the child theme limited?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    e,g, to move any file or folder from parent theme or to make changes on files (parent theme) and to move on child theme.

    Why you can move that changes like php commands on functions.php file and you don’t move the files or folder as it is.

    Thank you.



    You override config files from a child theme. This way when you update the parent theme you get the new features and updates and still not lose any changes you made in child theme.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello Jordan,

    ok, i understood that process.

    Thank you.



    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    close it.

    Thank you



    If you need additional help, let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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