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  • #680874

    Hey! :)

    As I have most of the Quick CSS I use on my Child-Theme in the Parent set also, does it makes sense to clean the Parent’s Quick CSS now? I am asking myself if it doubles up itself, and thus increases the amount of code?



    Hey eC!

    Yes, you can simply copy your custom CSS code from your parent themes Quick CSS field and paste it in Style.css file of your child theme :)



    Hey, Yigit! :)

    Thanks, but what I wanted to know is if it doubles up itself when I have the same Quick CSS codes in the Child- as well as Parent-Theme? To keep it clean, should I just have it on the Child Theme and delete all Quick CSS from the Parent (did set up the Child way later than I started configuring the Parent)?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by eC.


    If you have the same CSS in the parent as in the child then it should be safe to remove it from the parent.


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