Tagged: cache, child theme
I have just installed a child theme for Enfold. Every thing went well, but when I tried to change the Menu settings back to what my original Enfold theme was I noticed that the menu font color and some of the text in the mail content area, the Title Bar, Footer and Socket are the Enfold Green color. The Preview window in appearance>customize is working as it should and all the colors are correct, but when I view the website they are not the same as the preview window.
I found the Problem. I got a clue form another post about caching and child themes. I disabled my W3 Total Cache Plugin and everything is working.
I am new at this so I didn’t realize that the Cache would create this problem.
Have I not set my cache up correctly? Any suggestions would be helpful. I will restart the cache and reconfigure it for the Child Theme. Should I leave it off until I am done editing and setting up my website?